Create excitement on the casino floor by using a lottery-ball machine for dozens of creative casino promotion ideas.
More and more properties are incorporating lottery-style promotions into their monthly casino promotions. You can go with traditional lottery theme, or consider the draw machine as a prize board which greatly expands the themes and concepts. A lottery machine can be used for “add em up” style games where the player must total to a certain number of points, yards or dollar amount. Or, maybe you collect certain colors or symbols. With the draw machine, you don’t need an envelope, which makes the draw result faster and more visual for your players. Below are a few concepts to get start. Contact Smartplay for more casino promotion ideas.
Color Match
- The more colors you match the more you win
- Example: five orange balls and 20 white balls are placed inside the chamber
- The player wins depending on how many orange balls are drawn
- A prize legend shows how much is won for each number of orange balls drawn
- Additional colors could be added for various combinations of prizes. Colors could coordinate with seasons, events or property colors
- Equipment options: Jupiter, Casino Pick, Standard Daily
Add Em Up
- Balls are loaded into the machine based on desired odds and prize table
- Each ball is numbered with easily addable amounts (e.g. 10, 25, 50, 75)
- The contestant wins revealed amount x 10 (or some other multiplier)
- If balls add up to a specific number (e.g. 200), the player wins the grand prize. Certain balls or amounts could be designated for special prizes.
- Bonuses could be added for revealing various color balls
- Equipment options: Jupiter, Casino Pick
Themes and twists to the above casino promotion concept:
Turn up the Heat
- A giant thermometer scoreboard is placed by the draw machine. Numbers on the ball are “temperatures.”
- As numbers are selected, the temperature goes up and the player wins more money. Or player reaches prize levels as they move up the thermometer.
- Player progress is noted on the thermometer scoreboard.
- Race To Riches
- Bring two or more players on stage.
- Draw numbers from the machine for each player. The first player to make it to a certain number is the winner.
- Create a prize board that tracks a path for each contestant toward the big money.
- If one player totals an exact specified amount (e.g. 100) they win an insured or guaranteed grand prize.
- Race (colors and numbers) – for an added twist, use multi-colored balls with numbers. Contestants are each assigned a color. The host selects balls and numbers revealed are applied to the contestant matching the ball color selected.
- Football Cash – Similar to race concept, the numbers revealed are yardage amounts. Two “teams” are playing each other, trying to make it to the end-zone first. Football field prize board adds to the visual presentation. This same idea could be used for other themes — horse racing, auto racing, track, and field, etc.
Big Prize Lotto
- Create a giant scratch ticket prize boards
- Player removes an envelope or scratches the face of the board to reveal numbers, colors or other bonuses
- Lottery balls are then revealed one at a time on stage and prizes are awarded accordingly based on matches.
Roulette Riches
- This is a promotional game that plays similar to roulette.
- Players place their game pieces (e.g. colored discs) on colors and/or numbers or number ranges on the prize board
- Lottery balls are drawn and players earn points or dollars based on the result.
Color Match – Version 2
- MultiPick draw machine draws multi-colored balls. Multi-colored balls are placed in the chamber.
- The object is to reveal two or more balls of the same color. As long as you do, you continue to progress. The player could have one or more “saves” so they don’t lose on the first attempt.
- Equipment options: MultiPick 2, MultiPick 3, MultiPick 4
Draw Numbers Around The Clock
What about running a lottery-style casino promotion year round? In many parts of the world, Smartplay lottery machines run continuously, drawing balls every 5 or 10 minutes for web-streamed promotions and games. Imagine a “draw station” in your casino, posting winning promotion numbers every 30 minutes. Give patrons an incentive for staying on the property with a chance to win. Create a permanent fixed location for a drawing machine in a high-visibility location inside the casino. Draws are made at regular times and automatically posted to a display located next to the draw machine. These results could also be fed to other monitors on the property. Guests could participate in various ways:
- Distribute scratch cards, which could be designed to play one or more games. More secure cards could be distributed for higher-value prize giveaways.
- Integrate with slot tickets and print draw number on the ticket based on slot play
- Send a text message (see below)
- Deliver codes through loyalty kiosks
Players could win tickets which play for the next drawing. Tickets could be good for one or more of the automated drawings. For example, a ticket could say “good for any drawing on Wednesday” or “good for any drawing between 4 and 6 pm in June. This process could also be automated, based on visit frequency, coin-in, etc.
Text a Winning Number
- This concept would use the Draw Station noted above.
- The guest gets a random number between 1 and 200 texted to their phone every 30 minutes.
- The player can walk by the machine at any time to see if their number matches. If the number matches, they get X in free play.
- The player is only eligible if they are on the property and can show the text on their phone to validate. A number must be registered with the player club in order to win (additional rules created by property may apply)
This is just start. Contact Smartplay for more casino promotion ideas and a list of our lottery-machine rental inventory items.