MegaSpin Prize Wheel
There is nothing more “interactive” than the classic game show wheel. The MegaSpin wheel brings the game show wheel experience to your lottery or casino. MegaSpin comes in two sizes, with the smaller version designed for promotions and traveling events. Both versions are built with lockable casters and easily moved through standard doorways.
The MegaSpin wheel is typically spun by hand, although a motor can be added to spin the wheel automatically. This wheel typically comes with 20 segments. All graphics can be customized. The color vinyl graphics are applied to acrylic panels which are back lit with LEDs mounted inside the wheel.
- The LED lighting inside the wheel can be customized to flash in a particular pattern
- Sounds for each “click” and a grand prize sound can be customized
- Wheel faces are removable for easy graphics replacement
Three LED lights are build into the base to track the wheel revolutions. This is often used to guarantee a random spin — with a “good spin” as one where the wheel goes around at least four complete revolutions. This indicator can be customized.